Not My Mama's Kitchen

There used to be a blogging site called Posterous where I had two food-related blogs, one called “Not My Mama’s Kitchen”, the other “The Happy Eater”. Posterous was acquired by Twitter and they dismantled Posterous shortly after the acquisition.

I downloaded my posts from both blogs. The Happy Eater was mainly photos of food I ate while Not My Mama’s Kitchen was about the food I cooked at home in my mom’s kitchen. I’ve been meaning to tidy up the latter before sharing them here, but I’ve been procrastinating…

Anyway, today, I decided to launch the old posts on NMMK. The photos can’t be seen (which was part of the tidying up process that I didn’t accomplish), but I wanted to share the recipes and whatnot from NMMK.

If you’re the least bit curious (as I am because I still need to sift through those old posts) about what I used to write about, have a look (up top) and click on “Not My Mama’s Kitchen”. I’m hoping to add more posts to that again soon.

Save & Publish

I was searching for something the other day and I ended up on someone’s blog. Before I knew it, I read through almost her entire blog, and it dawned on me that I haven’t posted anything here in a very loooooooong time.

Posting things on social media, including this, waxes and wanes because of time, other commitments, writers block, and I also think about how much I want to put “out there”. I like having this medium to write for the sake of writing. I don’t consider myself a creative writer by any means, but it’s nice to write about other stuff besides work on occasion.

Since I’ve been WFH for the last 13 weeks and we’re still in SIP, I’m going to try to come up with interesting things to write about.

For now, this is what you get… me wanting to write again.